Valuation Office Agency : Electronic Rent Register
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Electronic Rent Register Search

Find your nearest rent registration information

The Rent Officer is required under S66 of The Rent Act 1977 to maintain a "Register of Rents" and make this available to the public.
This online tool allows you search the public rent register and access specific rent registration details held on the register.
The public rent register only contains the most recent registration for each case, and only holds records from 2003 onwards.

If you cannot find the register you are looking for, then please contact

You can search the register by postcode OR by Registration Area and year. You can additionally select the tenancy type.
Please see the "Show help" links for further details.

Required information is marked with an asterisk (*).

Search by Postcode

Search by Postcode

Postcode Help:
Postcode Help:
A full postcode search will narrow the search results and enable you to locate the rent register you require more quickly.

Search by Rent Register

Search by Detail

Registration Area Help: All Rent Registers are allocated to their "Registration Area" which is defined in S62 of The Rent Act 1977 as the "County", "London Borough", the "City of London" or "the Isles of Scilly".
Registration Area Help:
Please select the appropriate registration area from the drop-down menu.

Registration Year Help: Only current Rent Registers from 2003 onwards are available on-line. Please select the appropriate year from the drop-down menu.
Registration Year Help:
Only the most recent rent register is part of the public rent register. If the register you are looking for is not found, it may have been re-registered more recently, or the current entry may be earlier then 2003.
If you cannot find the entry you are looking for please contact

Registration Type Help There are 3 separate parts of the public Rent Register:
Registration Type Help:
"Regulated" tenancies,
"Housing Association" tenancies and
"Rent (Agriculture) Act" tenancies.

You may select the tenancy type from the drop-down menu to narrow your search results.

Service provided by

Valuation Office Agency Valuation Office Agency

Service provided by VOA:

Published: 2025GMT